Friday, April 2, 2010

Pink and Purple Saturday

Almost two months ago our nephew and niece called asking us to come for their mom's birthday.  We told them we'd call  them back and think about it and when we did…about ten minutes later two e tickets arrived in my inbox!  With top secrecy instructions…no one was to know.  What a surprise for my sister in law, Judy and what a gift for us!  I hadn't been back to Ohio for six years and it was absolutely wonderful seeing our family again.


Judy's and Gary's kids, Greg and wife Hollie, and Kim and husband Chris threw one fabulous party.  Old neighbors, friends and family all gathered to wish the Jude a happy, happy birthday!

As in most families we always seem to celebrate with food and…


what a spread prepared by Hollie and Kim. (They aren't quite so fuzzy in real life! haha)


We were only together for four nights and managed to have three big family dinners.  I love everyone yakking at the same time, always drawn to the kitchen table laughing and reminiscing. 


And purple – lots of purple shows up in memory of my mother in law, Jane.  I think she'd be thrilled to see her kids – Judy, Jeff and Joan and all of their families still gathering, still bonding and still celebrating together even if one of us, namely me has been MIA for a few years!


While we have moved probably 10 times in all these years to different cities or houses…Judy has been in her house for over 40 years and their home is always so cozy and familiar.…..


however it's The Queen herself (Ohio's 1957 Queen of Queens! Just look at that trophy with her crown!)


who is the glue that holds our family together. 


  Not one to claim the number 70 two days early – here she is on the 29th with good ole Gare my brother-in-law.


Thank you Greg and Hollie for a wonderful trip and reunion –you guys are beyond generous.  Wow – we really pulled off the surprise!

Greg&Hollie@Hilton Head 034

I'm so lucky to have a whole state of inlaws that I just adore….and love….and miss!

xoxo Nancy – loving Texas but missing Ohio!

Be sure and stop by to see Beverly at How Sweet The Sound who hosts Pink Saturday  and visit some blogs showing off their pink and even yellow for Easter.


  1. Oh...this is such a sweet post, it has me feeling misty!! I am so happy you had a wonderful trip 'home' and Happy Birthday to Judy!

    And wishing you a wonderful and blessed Easter!


  2. Looks like you had a wonderful visit! So glad you got to go! Happy Easter!

  3. What a lovely party and precious family! May you have a blessed Easter.

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  4. Family is number one in our book! Glad you got to go!!!!Happy Easter!
    Joyce M

  5. Happy Easter and happy Pink Saturday!

  6. That's a neat story ... looks like y'all had a lot of fun. What a blessing! I've moved a lot too - it was 'different' when I've settle down for series of years somewhere. Enjoyed your post. Thanks! Jenn <><

  7. Nancy, how wonderful! I know this was a special time for everyone, and that many great memories were made.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Easter.

  8. Wish you a happy Pink Easter weekend !
    ♥♥ Rini the Netherlands

  9. The food is so pretty! It looks like this was a delightful get together! I forgot that I have to sign up ahead of time! I am conditioned to just show up and link up... so sorry! Have a delightful weekend! Here's my pink and yellow link... Please stop by when you get a moment!

  10. How fun! Wow, that IS an incredible spread. It reminds me of all the stuff I should be preparing for Easter tomorrow. Happy Pink!

  11. Oh, this looks like such a fun and happy gathering you all had!!

    How do I find your ebay listings, dear friend?

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  12. Oh What a party! This is the most loving heartwarming post and I love every word and photo. You celebrate just like my family. I turned 70 last Oct. boy can I relate. Family who love each other is what life is all about. Happy birthday to the birthday girl...
    Hugs, Jeanne

  13. What a great birthday surprise! I love the cake! That is hilarious! Happy Easter & Pink Saturday!

  14. What a wonderful birthday surprise! Happy Easter Nancy!

  15. What a wonderful birthday surprise. How fun to get together with family. Talk about a feast!! Loved this post. Makes me want a huge family gathering!

  16. Wow! What a terrific birthday party! Bet Judy was thrilled!!! That cake was a hoot!

    I'm so glad you and your hubby were able to attend the celebration and spend some great time with family!

    LOVE the baskets at your friend's home....she puts them to great use, too. Cept for the dog feeding and toilet stool parts! :)

    Our trip was great....but oh so tiring! We spent three days in Canton and hardly bought anything. We were very disappointed in the flea market part....lots and lots of junk. Junkier than what even WE like! Plus, the prices were not so great. Seems like they hiked them up so they could say "I'll deal with you". The Arbors were a pleasant surprise. I thought they'd be filled with lots of cheap imports (and there was plenty of that stuff), however there were lots of unique booths and lots of quality hand mades. That part inspired me. We still had tons of fun...laughed a lot and ate waaaaaay too much. I am glad, however, to be home and will be happy when I feel rested! I, too, hope our paths will cross one day in real life!

    We ate our Easter Dinner in a Dairy was awesome! :)

    Have a great week and Happy Pink Sat!!! L, Dana

  17. Yes, our family had an awesome birthday bash for me on March 27! This gathering was billed as the "Judy is ALMOST 70" party since my birthday was not until 2 days later. Why be "officially 70" a couple of days early?! Hence, the cake decoration...69.9999999!

    Family, extended family, friends, neighbors & my high school chums (we were the oldest group there!)gathered at my son & daughter-in-law's home for a truly festive evening of eating & socializing. Of course, the real highlight of the affair was my surprise & shock when I arrived and found my brother, Jeff, & sister-in-law, Nancy, standing in the lower level of the house waiting to pull off the big secret...The Pflugerville Texans were back in Ohio!!

    It was so much fun to see them again & we continued to enjoy our visit with family over the next 4 days. They're back home now with my nephews & their families & their sweet dog, Lillie Louise...Nancy is blogging...and we miss them both already! Do wish we lived closer so we could visit more often.

    Love you & thanks for coming to
    "Buckeye Judy" (now officially 70!!)

  18. Nancy...what fun...great photos..
