Are you just totally sick of me dragging out my picture albums every time you come over??? NO??? Great - because today is a milestone. My grandson just became a TEENAGER!!!!!!! Yikes - I should never admit that on here because I'll have to change my blog name to My Crafty Little World's Oldest Blogger - A Cozy Little Place To Discuss Decorating Your Assisted Living Home but.......whatever. I just can't stop myself. Besides, he's one of my most faithful readers (not by choice but if he reads my blog then I let him play games even though it screws up my computer). So I just have to wish him a Happy Birthday today. And tell him what an absolute joy he's been to us and how much we love him for taking our life in a different direction than we thought it would go. And what pleasure it gives me to see your dad get a little "teen" payback.....he soooo has these teen years coming!!!! Love you - Nanny
Happy Birthday dude! My son is about to be 13. And my Mom always said "I hope you have one just like you"... She got her wish! Luckily I have a few years before my blonde beauty gets to those teen years, but goodness send help then! I love how much you love your grandson. Like my Mom loved my son.