Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Welcome September

ShabbyBlogsDividerB"There comes a time when autumn asks,
What have you been doing all summer?"

"For summer there, bear in mind, is a loitering gossip, that only begins to talk of leaving when September rises to go."
-   George Washington Cable

"September: it was the most beautiful of words, he’d always felt, evoking orange-flowers, swallows, and regret."
-   Alexander Theroux, 1981


Dear September – I thought you'd never get here and I've been waiting since June for your arrival.  Please – prove all the skeptics wrong and bring us a cool front.  I don't care how you do it…sneak in overnight or blow in and knock this miserable heat down to Guadalajara! 

If you hadn't guessed September is my favorite month.  What's yours?  Or do you get ridiculously happy over a month????  It only comes once a year after all!  Happy September!



  1. I love September, too. It's like we get the best of summer and fall! Isn't that great?

    Love the poems!


  2. Hi, Nancy! Wow! What a hard question!! I love many of the months (and hate a couple of them), but I think Dec. is my favorite. I love everything about the excitement of the holidays.....cept the stress I can get myself in.....but I still love it.

    Love your words about Sept.....and the great song I'm listening to The Sweetest Gift!

    About my 5K.....I dunno if I will have it in me. My exercise teacher, the perky, young and evil thing she is, when hearing me brag that I jogged for 20 min. yesterday, took our class out to the parking lot and had us do "the hill"......up and down, many times, in all sorts of FUN ways. I was gasping and begging her to stop!! A couple of the younger gals thought it was great fun. I now hate them, too!!! :( Guess, I need to incorporate inclines into my jogs...but not yet. I'm still working on "time" jogging.......hills will have to come much later!

    Have a terrific evening!! Bonnie and I are gonna drive N to St. Joseph, MO. (home of the Pony Express) to a flea market tomorrow!! And it's supposed to rain! :( Oh, well, I love slopping around in wet grass, pulling my shopping cart on wheels---just as long as I don't have to pull Bonnie, too!

    L, Dana

  3. Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and I'm glad you like the gray!

    My favorite month is October. Best time for college football, love Halloween, and I love to see the leaves change!
