Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Pink Saturday Halloween
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Show and Tell Friday.
I'm recycling this year….recyling pictures from last year! I think I need to move this round table back in the living room because I'm really missing it.
I love this swirly tree but most of all I love this picture of my little Buzz Lightyear.
Taken 14 years ago – my how time flies. And you know what else flies? Spooky old….
Happy Halloween!!! xoxo Nancy
I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wow – Halloween finally made it's debut in my back yard! This year I had to make a few adjustments. The Pumpkin man had to hang a little higher! And for the first time I put that old, old Empire light up witch outside. "Aren't you afraid of Halloween thieves???" you're asking yourself. NOOooo…because I have a
Guard Dog!!! And don't even consider breaking in because I actually have
Gosh…do you think I might be able to put more stuff out here? Did you read "The Stand"? My yard is starting to look like Tom Moon's! lol I do have a favor to ask, however. If any of you amazingly resourceful bloggers happen to be in an Academy sports store and you happen to see a black and white toile lounge cushion cover would you buy it for me? My husband saw it one day for $10 and only bought one because he wasn't sure if I'd like it! Sighing…and then to top it off I forgot to go back. I'm an idiot! Anyway if you see one buy it and I'll send $$$$$ and a sheltie if you want!! Really!
Today I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and
Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Sunday Words To Live By
I'm joining Tracey at Notes From A Cottage Industry for Sunday Words To Live By. I truly love reading the "words" that all the participants write each week! Go be inspired!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Let's Go For A Walk
Today I remembered to take my camera and I thought I'd take you along on our morning walk. My house is on the corner…peek through the Queens Crown/coral vine and you can see.
Queens crown loves the sun and does fine in a drought. I'd like to have more of it!
This is on the opposite corner. It was a vacant lot and a young couple moved this old house in from Austin. It fits the neighborhood perfectly. Everyone has a flag – isn't that great?
We all have at least two lots for each house.
Make a left here past this neighbor. I think we have houses built in about every decade from 1907!
Why didn't I think of this sooner??? Combining photos into a collage???
Here's Diane's house – love love love it – she built a matching playhouse for her grandkids. CUTE!!! Supposedly this house was a Sears catalog kit house!
Do you hear all that yapping across the street from Diane's? See the two lots and the insurance company on the Main St. Well that's some dogs of the employees. The man that owns the ins. company bought the Pfluger house and 5 lots. His daughter lives in the house and the fenced part is for the insurance company employee's dogs during the day. I think that would be a perfect place to work! The goats used to live there! Anyway Iris is afraid but Lillie's over there yapping back.
Continuing up the street is LaNelle's back yard. Look at her clothesline….she has to use a walker now so it has a new use! Then Scott the plumber's house and on up the street to the walking path. The top left corner is Belinda's…more on that on the way back!
So here's the walking path. Iris and Lillie – they stick together – going or coming!!! Who need's a new shirt? Who won't throw it away??? Hoarder…. Now let's head home.
Are you tired from our walk? Next time we'll go to the walking path by the creek. It's such a pretty walk. Bye for now. xoxo Iris, Lillie and Nancy.
Today we're joining these fun events:
Cindy's Romantic Home Friday Show and Tell
Dipity Rd for Friday Finding Beauty
How Sweet the Sounds Pink Saturday
A Southern Daydreamers Outdoor Wednesday
Monday, October 11, 2010
Notes From Sheltieville
Ahhh – this weather – it's so beautiful it's hard to stay indoors! It was perfect to have coffee outside this morning. While Jeff went to pick up some fabulous old french doors for our shed Iris and Lillie and I headed outside. Me? Just happy to sit and watch as Iris smelled every inch of her new yard and see how Lil was so contented to lay on the pea gravel by the shed.
After a while Iris found a good sunny spot to rest and then decided to join Lillie.
It was just over a year ago that Lillie came to live with us – so scared and shy never in her two years being away from her sheltie family. She's the most adorable sweetest and cutest thing now and obviously loves us as much as we love her. And now we have Iris who after only a week is starting to trust us. She's still a little skittish but loves the attention she's getting and I think the four of us are a perfect fit! The first night she was here I thought – this will never work….she's too sad and scared….and I wasn't going to make her live her life this way and now? Perfect! They're just perfect! Alone and together.
I can't wait to get some work done in our yard after the long, hot and dry summer we've just had. So here's a couple of non-sheltie pictures of part of the backyard. I'm hoping this week to get some pansies planted and spend less time on the computer! (Don't be intimidated by the high goals I set for myself – lol) That's it for me from Sheltieville! Hope you have a wonderful week.
I'm joining Mary at The Little Red House for Mosaic Monday. If you love making mosaics you'll love this!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Sunday Words To Live By
Nancy's Guide To Being Fancy (even Fancy Nancy is a blogger!)
Step 4:
"It Is Always Fancy to Be Yourself
Be exactly who you want to be. Your thoughts and opinions are très important! After all, what makes you unique is also what makes you extremely fancy. Always be true to yourself and you will always be fancy."
Fancy Nancy….such wisdom to be so young! Come to think of it – we can learn a lot from our kids and grandkids if we just talk less and listen more!
Joining Tracey at Notes From A Cottage Industry for Words To Live By.
Friday, October 8, 2010
The Flower Girls
For Pink Saturday I thought maybe you'd like to see the Flower Girls – Iris and Lillie. Iris is five years old and has only been ours for a week. She is really getting the hang of living the spoiled life! Jeff cooks for them as he's always done for Lillie…what's not to like there? It's a huge change for her to not live with her birth mom and her other "birth mom" Ann Debo but she's adjusting beautifully. Lillie is loving having Iris and they are so cute together and pretty much do everything together. I think they remember each other – Lillie was with Ann and Iris until she was 2 and came to live with us. (Iris and Lillie's mother were littermate sisters). Lillie's mother smelled every inch of her and they were so happy to see each other – Lillie looks just like her mother! I love Ann's shelties and she's a wonderful breeder and her dogs live in dog heaven but as she stops breeding some of her girls she let's them go to people like me since she has 17! I'd really love to have Lillie's sister…and her mother and I'd still like to raise a puppy again. This could definitely be a problem for me.
Happy Pink Saturday from The Dog Hoarder
Be sure to visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound where there's bound to be less dog hair!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Show and Tell Friday
The closer it gets to Halloween the more I realize I need to finish decorating. I found this cute little metal tree at Goodwill yesterday.
It's the perfect size to hang this little pumpkin man.
This dummy board is one of my favorite things. My sister gave it to me about 12 years ago.
You can see it has a metal bird perched on top and a little wire nest that can hold a tealite and was only 1.99!
For someone who isn't too crazy about skeletons, monsters and witches I sure have a lot of witches! All cute ones, however!
I'm joining:
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday…and
Claudia at Dipity Rd for Friday Finding Beauty and
Thrifty Thursday over at Tales From Bloggeritaville!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Little Boxes
I finally finished all of my matchboxes for A Swap For All Seasons.
All 25 five are decorated and numbered. Tiny little boxes of fun! For the blogalong here's my picture of Santa on matchbox. (Linda has a cute little party going and you need a Santa picture posted somewhere)
I made a tiny little gift to tuck inside each tiny little box. Some have charms, some a large paper clip with a little wire nest and vintage pearl "egg" and some a tiny little banner.
Each of mine is different – only because I find it hard to do the same thing twice!
This was such a fun project and it's ready to mail. In about a month I'll receive a package back with 25 little boxes made by 25 different people. My own little advent calendar!
I'm joining Mary at The Little Red House for Mosaic Monday.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
October Words To Live By
Do you love poetry? I love it – and this is just one of my favorite little verses. October arrived at my house with cool weather that just begs you to come outside. After holing up in my house for the summer it's a welcome time for me. These are some little favors that I made last year. If only I could find mine this year!
Here's wishing you a………
Today I'm joining Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday and
Tracey at A Cottage Industry for Sunday Words To Live By and
Claudia @ Dipity Rd for Friday Finding Beauty
Pink Saturday is in my next post down!
Friday, October 1, 2010
The Perfect Pink Iris
We went in search of the perfect Iris today. You've seen my purple irises and my yellow irises… and my gorgeous pink crinum lilies. But we are in need of a special Iris.
I just happen to know just where to go to find the perfect Iris….with the help of Lillie Louise!
So off we went winding our way through the beautiful Texas Hill Country.
Driving far off the main road….Past the tank….through the cattle guards
and the cows
To visit our old friend Ann Debo and sitting right by her is Iris! A perfect Iris! In this picture from left to right is Iris, Ann, and Grandma – Iris mother and Lillie Louise grandmother.
Aren't they cute? Little bookends…Iris and Lillie and I think they are perfect and I'm just dying to tell you that we're a two dog household now! Lillie's mother and Iris were littermates and Iris has had several litters herself but she's done with her puppybearing years and she's ours. Lillie is thrilled and Iris is a bit shy with us but I think soon she'll be just fine.
Hope you enjoyed my Pink Saturday offering – go visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound who is our PS host.
xoxo – Nancy, Lillie and Iris! I am dead tired tonight so this post may contain exxors!!