Today I'm joining Karen Valentine of My Desert Cottage for the second annual…
Wow – this was a major deal trying to get pictures of where I create. This is my craft room/dining room/ office/ storage room. It functions and sometimes dysfunctions as a lot of things. I stitched together a panorama of all but one side of the room.
I have three shelves, a credenza, a chest of drawers, and an armoire to store my stuff in. Looking at these pics is giving me high anxiety because there's just sooo much stuff.
Baskets, boxes, canisters all full of stuff. I try to label to label everything so I don't keep searching and searching – sometimes it works…and sometimes it doesn't
I have projects everywhere – the little trees I hope to work on soon…
Books for altered art and things waiting to go to the antique store.
On top of the armoir are my flowers for a project and a couple of paintings
which aren't mine – they are my husbands who is a hoarder and procrastinator in his own right!

In the opposite corner are more supplies, things I've gotten in swaps and from classes I've taken.

From my 2009 Paper Cowgirl class with Cindy a piece of advice…." That Birds of worry fly over your head you cannot change but that they build nests in your hair you can prevent"
This party bird is letting no nest be built in his hair!!!!!!!! I've got a huge one in my hair today labeled "stuff"!!!
Buttons, bingo, scrabble letters all waiting to be used for something someday!
And a little clock waiting to go to The Roost.
On a lower shelf I filled these vintage boxes with – sighing…..more stuff.
I just brought this home from The Roost – our antique store – because I had no drawers for office supplies.
My craft table/ dining table. If I only had a closet!!!!!

See why it's important for me to have 15,487 scrabble letters? I can make a clever title like this!!!

I'm also joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday today. (Just a few pink touches today) and
Cindy at My Romantic Home for Show and Tell Friday.
Thanks for stopping by – I think it will take a year to go through all the blogs on these tours today! Aren't these linky parties amazing??? xoxo Nancy