Monday, March 1, 2010


Hey – how are you guys? It feels like I haven't talked to you in ages.  Last week was sooo busy.  We completely redid The Roost.  I washed and styled about a jillion pieces of old Japanese figurines – some went on ebay but most in my store and about half of those were swans!  One thing they all had in common – they were really dirty and had to be cleaned and tagged.  I couldn't even get a Pink Saturday post done.  And look at these darling outfits!  We went to a baby shower for my 45 year old first time dad nephew and his lovely wife!  We bought a basket of the soothing pastels they have chosen for the new as yet to be determined sex of the baby.  Honestly though – I was afraid this baby just would have no color in it's life…and what if it's a girl??? So I added this to the mix…just in case.  Isn't it soo adorable – I just love the little chick.  But then I wouldn't want a little great nephew to feel bad so we threw in a manly outfit and….

 DSCN1182 DSCN1183 DSCN1186 DSCN1188

and wrapped it  all up.  Of course the apple wall pocket wasn't really on there but figurines are everywhere and it looked good with the paper so…oh nevermind you get it!


Boy – I hadn't noticed the new baby trends. For Example:


Lots of babies were there and everyone was nursing (well, just the babies)

It was a co-ed shower

No goofy games like smelling chocolate diapers

Lots of first time parents in their late 30's and 40's.

Now that the parents to be can determine the sex of the baby beforehand they want to be surprised! 

They all have a doula in attendance at the "birthing center" where the child is delivered naturally

Gifts are no longer opened at the shower

They serve things like oatmeal Brule and vegetarian sausage casserole ????(well maybe this is just Austin keepin' it weird) and Mimosas and Wine but not for the moms.

This is just all new stuff to my generation…I, having my first at age 14 (okay, maybe I was 20)  had absolutely no idea what I was having other than that pencil on a string deal, had to pack up all my cute pink girl clothes in my Pink diaper bag and return them to Lazarus for little blue things.  My husband only came after the shower to load all my opened pink gifts that had been passed around the room into the car where…that evening on my ob's advice I might have a glass of wine to relax and oh my God I hate to admit to this one – a cigarette!  While having cake and punch and nuts at the shower my friends and I would discuss the best anesthesia for childbirth or what type baby bottles we'd be using in lieu of nursing!  My friends were in awe of the fact that my trailblazing husband would be in attendance at the actual birth. 

Yikes! The joys of 1972 parenthood are quite a contrast to 2010 parenthood.  My boys turned out perfect anyway  - just ask them!!! 

I know a lot of you collect Swans (NOT) so be sure and stop my my Roost blog to see the whole collection!  Going to clean and tag and 54,982 teacups now!

xoxo Nancy Tags: ,,


  1. I know what you mean about the changes..I'm planning a baby shower for my daughter in law...our 1st grand baby is due in is a boy...and we have already seen several photos of a couple of weeks it will be 3D...I breast fed both of mine..but never in public...things have really changed since the 80's also...

  2. Yep. That pretty much describes my childbirth experiences! I was a baby having babies and, you know? I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Hope all is well with you, friend!

    I'm cracking up...
    about the nursing line!

    Oh I need sleep...tears are rolling down my cheeks Oh heavens...LOL

  4. OMG Nancy...WHEN will we meet in person? You are such a riot! Of course I TOTALLY know exactly what you were saying about birthin' babies in the 70s!!!! (76 and 79 for me) You hit the nailS on the headS! "Trailblazing Husband" just had me on the floor in fits of laughter! Mine was there, too, God bless him---- for all the good it did! :) Anyway, after I had my second (C-section) I was feeling no pain cuz I was numb from the diaphragm down (I was awake during the procedure, but my body was asleep) and was high on happy gas. When I was in recovery (and still on a buzz), the proud papa and his "buds" decided I was "just fine" so they made plans to go out to lunch....THEN the numbness wore off and he "changed his mind". :) Anyway....the cigarette thingy you mentioned was so right on, too! Oh, we were so young!!!

    Well.......I know you're busy with your antiques and I've been crazy creating stuff for my spring sale next weekend.....little time for blogging. However, I just had to check on YOU. Did you know I'm a "fan" of The Roost?

    Have a super-duper weekend! L, Dana
