Thursday, March 18, 2010


Aren't you loving these two end of week memes?  Claudia at Dipity Road's Friday~Finding Beauty and Cindy of My Romantic Home's Show and Tell Friday.  It's a reminder for me to look around my home for some of the beautiful things that I'm lucky enough to have found.

These vintage plates are made by Termocrisa…Mexico's answer to Fire King.  I love the lacy delicate blue flowers and the ruffle edge with a faded gold trim. I love the way they look right at home on Johnson Brothers chargers…


with everyday acrylic Target glasses.


or….on a fancy little tea tray.


mixed with other blue and white china. 


I'm so glad you stopped by!  Now……would you like a spot of tea before visiting all the blogs at Cindy's and Claudia's??!

xoxo Nancy


  1. nancy, the blending of the dishware pieces...all different makers... various have pulled them together, just like an artist pulls together her paints!
    so sweet! :)

  2. lovely things. gotta love blue and white together.

  3. Nice things you are sharing. I'm up for tea and will join you since I just spent a couple of hours doing a bit of gardening while it's warm here.

  4. An artistic blending of your beautiful peices looks like you had fun with this theme.

    You have so many fun creative things going on in your blog space and doo like your little postcard button for blog links, oh so very vintage.

  5. absolutely Bee-You-Tee-Full! What a great tableful (I don't think that's a real word) of dishes! I just love those plates! I dropped in from "My Romantic Home" and am so happy that I did. Please accept my invitation to drop in at my place one day soon when you get a moment. until later...

  6. SO SWEET! The Termocrisa plates are new to me. I will forever be on the look out for them, now! LOVE how you mixed everything up for an inviting 'scape.

    L, Dana

  7. Beautiful set up on the tea tray. The red flowers are the perfect touch!

  8. Sooo lovely!

    Im glad you use these beauties... too often they stay in a cupboard for that special day.

    Thanks for joining us all at FFB :)


  9. Oh so pretty !!! I can imagine myself having tea at your beautiful table.
