Thursday, March 25, 2010


My Irises are blooming – not the purple ones, the yellow ones.  Isn't photo editing wonderful?  I can make this look like a painting?


My 98 year old neighbor gave these to me from her yard where they had been forever.  They were already comfortable in the neighborhood  being here long before me…just like she was.  We were friends for eight years before she died four years ago.  I love that she lives on in the flowers she tended for so many years – irises of all colors, roses, bluebonnets – still providing beauty for our little neighborhood.


A few weeks ago I put my name in the hat for someone on flickr's Make Five.  I had forgotten about that and then out of the blue this gift came in the mail this week.


A mosaic purse made by Katherine who was inspired by a charity auction she attended.  She said she came up with a persona – Jesse and went to work cutting and gluing.  So this is my "Jesse" bag.  Katherine made everything on this bag herself.  I love her work!


I think it's awesome and it adds a splash of yellow to my room.


I just can't make up my mind where I like it more!


A touch of yellow to my room, the memory of an old friend like Myrtle and a new friend like Katherine.  Three things that added a little sunshine to my life this week!

Somehow the stars aligned and this post will link to all three of these memes

Claudia at Dipity Road's~~ Friday Finding Beauty,

Cindy at My Romantic Home's Show and Tell Friday 

and believe it or not

Beverly at  How Sweet the Sound's Pink Saturday

Take a little tour of all these blogs…add some sunshine to your life.

xoxo Nancy


  1. Hi Sweetie...
    Love your beautiful post. Moma always has Iris planted in her garden. Every color, but I loved the purple ones most. These yellow ones sure do scream "Spring". They are just exquisite.

    Thank you for sharing sweetie. I adore your beautiful purse. That is so stinkin cute, and I just love it. I think it looks best on the little stand by the yellow canary bird. So beautiful. A treasure for sure.

    Have a beautiful Friday sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry

  2. what wonderful gifts--old and new friends, a flower and a bag. life in indeed beautiful!

  3. my Iris' came from my grandmother and my husbands grandmother...I love heirloom plants that are passed from generation to white ones are blooming now...can't wait till the purple ones bloom...

  4. wow...we don't have one think blooming or poking thru the soil yet, i am so but soon they say...very soon!

    what a delight to have a gift from a friend..your little purse can move about, wherever you want her...that is part of the fun!

    blessings this weekend ! :)

  5. Hi!
    Very nice post on friends. The Iris's are beautiful as well as the little purse mosaic. Have a great day!

    A View of My Life

  6. Nice yellow iris! The one's in our garden had just bloomed. Thanks for shareing...Julian

  7. I love iris's. Yours look so pretty and healthy. What a nice surprise. Such a cute treasure.

  8. YOU add a bit of sunshine to MY life! I love the history of your Irises....and I'm sure Myrtle is very pleased that you are continuing to keep her spirit alive through the flowers. I also love your gift from beautifully created!

    Hope this finds all well with you. . .I watched my little grands tonight...the first time I've had both of them at the same time for any length of time. I had forgotten how to juggle the needs of a 3 1/2 year old while trying to tend to the demands of an 8 mo old AND fix a meal for everyone--including the hubby! Whew, I feel my age tonight! It was fun. . . and the little grand boy is at a wonderful age. So is the grand girl!

    Have a great Pink Saturday! L, Dana

  9. I love all the yellow, it is a very happy color ! The purse is beautiful !

  10. Lovely colours, so perfect for Spring. And I love your photo effect. Funnily enough, that's my post this week (great minds etc, lol).

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. My irises are blooming too. Mine are purple, pale blue and brown. The purple iris were from my best friend's step-mom's garden. When she passed away, we divided up her bulbs. I think of her every time I see them. What a wonderful reminder of someone.
    Have a wonderful weekend Nancy.

  12. My iris have not started blooming yet...I have a little stone enclosure in the driveway bed that is reserved for the bulbs Myrtle gave us...I know how homesick you are for her every spring...Happy weekend...
