Monday, March 31, 2008
Pay It Forward from Ralyn
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Packing Away Easter
Those flicker gals are sooo talented. My fuzzy picture just does not do cute justice to this swap! Thanks Jessi, Eleanor, Linda, MaryAnn, Pricilla, and Sarah. It was so much fun swapping with you!
Now it's time to put away Easter. I always hate packing these cute little bunnies away.
After all, black and white checks go with everything don't they?
Pooh, what are you doing here?
A snow baby???????This is getting out of hand. See what happens when someone (and I'm not mentioning any names) doesn't get her decorations put away properly.
Goodbye bunny.
Would my "hanging out Springtime work here? A bit busy, you say? I think so, too. Better move it back in the hall.
Oh my gosh. Ms. Bunny jumped right off the shelf. What? You hate your prairie clothes? You are sooo getting kicked off the Big Love compound!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Altering a book
Here's a book I recently altered for a swap. Nice and simple but.......too plain. So I took away the flower.
Added some different flowers, stars, postcard, and ribbon. Better, but it still needs more.
Perfect. A picture of my swap partner. Add some party hats.....much better.
Now for the inside. First it was just two pages but what the heck - lets add more pages!
And a pocket. Since this was a library book I wanted to make it perfectly clear........
Support your local library - go to the book sale!
Monday, March 24, 2008
A Cross of Flowers
Saturday, March 22, 2008
A Happy Glorious Easter To You!
Hippity Hoppity Easter's On Its Way!
Yesterday, as I was taking some pictures that I can't post yet (shhh - it's a surprise for someone) this package came in the mail from my sister in law (should that have -'s or be one word?) in Ohio. What a cute towel and beautiful card just to say Happy Easter. It has the cutest little ball fringe and embroidered eggs. I had these vintage Dick and Jane cards out working on a project and I love taking pictures so thanks again Judy Cottontail! See the little chickie running to get out of the picture - he's so excited because he's soon going to a new home I'm sure he'll love.
Well - if you blinked you missed my St. Patrick's Day music on my blog but enjoy this all you Gene Autry fans! Puhleeeese! Do I have to keep sending you to your moms to ask who these people are? Okay, I'll tell. Why he was America's Favorite Singing Cowboy - here.... I'll go over to the internet and swipe a picture for you.
Gene and Champion
Now just listen to these great sound effects - boings, pops, spurrrrrring,whhhhhrrrrrrr. Play it for your three year olds - they'll love it.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday Meditation

Monday, March 17, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Button Up
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Karen @ Popsicles and Lollipops. Karen just hosted the Mother Goose Swap. I called her Fanny and I don't know where I came up with that name but she let me in the group anyway because she always wanted a cool nickname. If I had a nickname I'd be Rio - Now that's a cool nickname.
LaVerne @ Riverside Studios. She's a new blogger and really talented and she never spells things wrong on her blog and uses excellent grammer ....umm... grammar.
Susan at A Slice of Life was my swap partner for the Easter Bunny's Chicks Swap. I don't know much about Susan except that she picked up a cute guy in a bar a long time ago and then she married him. She also drinks a lot of coffee and then she blogs and drinks more coffee!
Sarah has a lovely blog and sells beautiful things on etsy so you should definitely visit her.
You can learn a lot about a person from these little games. For instance Heidi my new friend who tagged me doesn't shower and admits it. I think it's because she used to live in Texas and then had to move to Chicago and frankly it's just to cold too shower up there.

3. I can nurse sick animals back to health so my friend Mike nicknamed me Florence NancyGail! (You know - Nightingale/NancyGail - get it?)
4. I love Dairy Queen tacos (see #2)

Yo quiero un Dairy Queen Taco!

My Saturday Morning Bargains
I really found some buys at a couple of garage sales Saturday morning. I asked about this wooden thingy -very disinterested-ly of course - and the lady told me it was a sewing machine cover- hmmm (birdhouse my brain was screaming) looking at this picture now it's sort of saying Casket but anyway........ When I asked the price she said just make me an offer so I said I'd give her a dollar if she'd throw in those three games over there - after all they were OLD with wooden pieces - not even the newer ones inferring I'd practically be doing her a favor getting this stuff off her hands and out of her driveway. Holy cow - she took it. My hubby wanted to know what the heck I was going to do with it and I told him HE was going to alter it and make a birdhouse and sell it at the art show in April. He's all into it now and it's going to be a church birdhouse. The problem is I never want to sell this stuff once it's done!
One dollar - I just amaze myself sometimes! Makes up for some of my incredibly amazingly extra stupid things I've come home with on other occasions!
Oh Susan in Seattle- here's your package. Wish I could drop it off personally and have some of those delicious pastries and coffee you blog about but I'll have to mail!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Wynken Blynken and Nod
Blogger is blogged down tonight and just won't upload my pictures so I'll try using the flickr one which I've never done. Can you upload more than one picture at a time? Well, anyway here's a poem I love from Mother Goose - Wynken, Blyken and Nod and if there's only one picture check out my flickr photos. I altered a children's book that had the lovliest images - mostly of a couple and their dog at the shore - I think that's exactly what Sarah and company do on weekends so here's to you Sarah! Fill with your dreams and memories.
I'm just loving swapping. My Easter Bunny's Chicks partners are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Susan from Seattle likes vibrant colors and whimsical, eclectic things and Maria from Sweden has a white very shabby look to her home. I am done, done done and what fun making and gathering everything. Now if my assistant will just mail them for me - wait - that's right I don't have an assistant!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Hanging Out Springtime
This swap is on its way and I'm so anxious to get back my very own clothesline from Sarah at Gypsy Mermaid. Thank you Sarah for hosting the swap. It was loads of fun!
Here's a whole page of them.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Another Date with Craig

I had a hot date with Craig tonight. I think my husband wants me to stop seeing him but how can I? Just look at this chair! I still can't believe I bought it for $40! Austin is Craigslist heaven. I guess there's such a mobile population - students and the tech employees constantly on the move and it makes for incredible bargains. This is the pic from CL but I'll soon put a pic from my living room after the cushion is redone. The actual cushion is perfect but the seller had this cover on it. The young girl who sold it was so sweet and had a lovely apartment however on our departure my grandson who notices every tiny detail announces that he just didn't think she was a very nice person. "Why, Brandon" I asked. "Well for one thing she had a picture of a nude man on her refrigerator plus she had a huge television and that's just of waste of her money". So if any of you need moral or financial advice I know just the 12 year old guy for the job.

I wanted to get a wingback chair like this and upholster it ala MacKenzieChilds but I think I'm going to save a bunch on labor with the wicker chair not to mention fabric!
Completly off the subject now - my husband told me the most interesting tidbit of information. It seems like we're always driving different cars and never fail to pull up to the wrong side of the pump to fill up. He says that on the fuel gauge in all cars there's a little arrow that will tell you which side the tank is located. It's on my new car - let me know if it's on yours.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Works In Progress