Tuesday, October 18, 2011

31 Days – Day 18

Despite my terrible phone photos, this was a great use of fonts.


Designed by my bff Barbara, and made by my godson Nick it made a perfect shower gift.  The letters are cut out and burnished onto an old window.


Advice to the newlyweds with a place for their picture.  This looked wonderful at the wedding reception.  Just for the evening it was backed with paper to make it easier to read at night.


I think they should offer these on Etsy.  I could think of a million things to put on here.

I've fallen down on the job of getting my posts up for 31 days.  Tomorrow I'll put up a link for some Halloween fonts. :)


  1. What a fabulous idea..you're right, they should have them to sell!!!

    Looking forward to your Halloween fonts!!

    EVERYONE loved the invites.....thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

    L, Dana

  2. What a creative and original idea for a wedding or an anniversary or a birthday or...
