Friday, August 6, 2010

Pink Saturday

Okay – I'm cheating a little today but this is my favorite rooster – along with his hen and baby chicks.  They are sooo old and the old guy must have been in a cock fight because he's missing an eye!  I bought these at an auction after wanting some like these for years. (Ack – someone will google cock fight and my blog will show up!)

rooster 3Anyway, I'd see these in the yards of old farm houses and to me they were so appealing with all their chippy paint and weathered imperfections.  So when one day I was at an auction at an old house I waited all day for these to come up.  I just held up my paddle and finally everyone else stopped bidding.


They live by my back gate now and hopefully when it cools off I'll have a pretty flower bed to set them in.   Until then..


Here's my nod to Pink Saturday with just a couple of pink flowers!  Hop on down to my last post to join the Rooster Party.  I'm joining Beverly at How Sweet the Sound – be sure and visit her and all the other blogs…who probably have a lot more pink than me!

xoxo Nancy


  1. Love your wonderful fowl! He is one tough rooster! Linda

  2. Love the new banner!!! I just knew you would have at least one old rooster to sare this weekend...they look so "at home" in the back garden...that's probably where the chickens ran back in the olden days when your house was just built. They just "fit" right there.

  3. I LOVE vintage rooster/hen yard ornaments, too!! As you know, I have a thing for concrete critters! Yours are wonderful and certainly worth the wait at the auction!!! I do LOVE how they just HAPPENED to be near the "pink" flowers!! :)

    I am SOOOOO tired! Had the gr. girl for 24+ hours....took her shopping last night and to a "butterfly festival" today. Wooo-weeee..........she keeps this old gal hopping!! Then, there's that year old brother of hers!! We didn't have him last night, but did spend quite a bit of time with him when we returned her home. He's into "boo", "I'm gonna get YOU" and "so big"!!!! Of course, I'm down on the floor crawling after him ...... he's a little doll!

    I hope you have a terrific PINK SATURDAY......I mean it....rooster hats next year!! L, Dana

  4. Love these roosters! My grandma always collected roosters and chicken. (Fake ones in the house and live outside.) I know she would have loved some of these for her front yard to match the live ones in back!

  5. Happy pink day! Hope you are having a great one.

  6. So glad you got them-I know how disappointing it is when you don't get it-especially to dealers-Happy Pink Saturday!

  7. Cute, cute, cute! And lucky you, your chickens won't scratch the mulch out of your flower beds like our chickens are doing to mine. Happy Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  8. I like rooster all so .I have allot of them I have collected them for many years.I try to get one where ever I go.

  9. Oh those fowls are absolutely lovely. I want them on my yard too.

    The Muse

  10. They were worth waiting all day on. Trish

  11. Sorry I am late in posting, but so many wonderful blogs to get to and I didn't want to miss yours. I love the hens and chicks. They look great in the yard and you don't have to feed them. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  12. I can see why you were so patient. They are perfectly aged!

  13. I can see why they are your favorite roosters. Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Janet
