This is what I'm doing right now – sewing felt cherries on my bra…my Relay For Life auction bra, goof ball…not the one I'm not wearing right now! Since we're having a huge yard sale on Saturday I've been moving stuff and my back went out and since my back went out I took medicine and when I got up this morning I was sick and dizzy from the meds. I don't think I'm going to make it tonight – my bra will have to represent me! I love working at Relay – it's the best fundraiser ever. My team captain, Candy, works so hard and it's supposed to be really cold tonight and our group is down this year and I'm pooping out and there they will be in with the freezing wind whipping them around and I feel awful every which way. The winds are roaring outside at about 35 mph and we can't finish setting things up for the yard sale. I could at least lie in the recliner and direct. So what am I doing? Finishing my bra waiting on the glued on fringe to dry and posting on here.
Here's what we've done so far this week…
Painted a worthless sign but someone not me wanted this.
Made big signs for the corner
Here's the shed with dirty windows but I've got pink flowers!
Inside one end ( sorry – the outhouse behind the screen is Closed)

Chippy old shelves with
A set of darling old counting cakes.
The fancy
One tent

Another tent

The whole mess!
We have tons of tubs of stuff to put out and lots of quilts and linens but it's just too windy. If you live in central Texas we're in Old Town Pflugerville if you'd like to come. Email me and I'll send you the address – you can come help clean and decorate too and then shop! haha I have lots of pink things!
Anyway – back to my bra – what do you think? For a name?
Here's a little ME girl leaving home: "A Good Foundation"?
"Remember"? "A Cup of Kindness – Get a Mammogram"? I had another part of the transfer that said "Remember" so I ironed that onto some cotton knit and sewed it on.

I tried ironing on a tshirt transfer and the middle didn't transfer so I had to make a remembrance ribbon to disguise the big screwup! I made a hanger to match just to make up for it! I do love the raggy shoulder straps..
and I see a whole bunch of threads I need to clip and I lots of little details to finish…on the bra not the yard sale! Have a wonderful weekend. xoxo Nancy
I'm joining Sue Love Cherries for Rednesday. How could I not???
I'm joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday and you should, too!
For your listening pleasure I'm putting "The Boob Fairy" #1 on my playlist – seems appropriate, huh? You have to push play though.