Good Morning all you Pink Chicks. I’m still out at the Rooster party one post down so visit me there and visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound to make your Pink Saturday rounds. I’m just loving this pink rooster! Hope your day is something to crow about! Nancy
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Roosters Roosters and More Roosters
What a fun event – a Rooster Blog Party. In every corner of my kitchen you’ll find a rooster.
On a shelf…
or a wall…
a countertop…this little guy was a country blue and believe it or not I painted him black and then polka dotted him. He’s a lot happier as a polka dot chicken.
Occasionally I roast a chicken in my vintage roaster
and serve it up for dinner!
My husband made this wonderful frame for this rooster print by Nancy Noel years ago. He hangs above my stove.
Recently I found these chairs on line and I knew they were meant to be mine.
And I love this little napkin holder I found on ebay and then about a year later…
I found another one!
My in laws house was always called Reebs Roost and then our house inherited the name so when we opened our Antique store of course it was just natural we’d name it…..
There’s a link in my sidebar to visit our website.
Many thanks to Barb at Bella Vista for hosting this fun party. On her site you’ll find all the rooster lovin’ blogs participating today.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The year was 1972 – the top song was “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face”. It was summer in Ohio and thunderstorms had raged through the night before pushing out not only a heat wave but my little guy who was two weeks early. This was back when you found out the sex of your baby when it was actually born and dad’s waited in the waiting room but my husband the trailblazer was going INTO the delivery room with me. (I just adored my ob – Dr. Brannon – so much that I wanted to name my son after him but ended up changing one little n to a d.) My little BranDon arrived at 9:28 p.m. and as the doctor held him up with the announcement “It’s a boy” his sex became all too clear as he peed all over me. Wouldn’t you think he could have aimed him at his father? or moved him? but no the little squirt just kept on squirting. Haha – everyone thought it was sooo funny – actually I did too and I’ve probably told him that story a hundred times since then – it was his favorite “naptime” story. He was the best baby and I wanted to keep him that way forever but he grew up – so very fast and that was 37 years ago. How is that possible? Happy Birthday Squirt. Going to bake a cake now! Love you, Mom
Friday, August 21, 2009
Pink Saturday A Texas Blessing
Bless this house, oh Lord,we cry.
Please keep it cool in mid-July.
Bless the walls where termites dine,
While ants and roaches march in time.
Bless our yard where spiders pass Fire ant castles in the grass.
Bless the garage a home to please
Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas.
Bless the love bugs, two by two,
the gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you.
Millions of creatures that fly or crawl, in TEXAS, Lord, you've put them all!!
But this is home, and here we'll stay,
So thank you Lord, for insect spray.
Who knew that there were PINK bugs!!!Thanks to Beverly who puts up with us bugging her each Saturday for PINK, PINK, PINK. Go bug her and the rest of the blogs showing pink!
Last week Beverly asked us to link to a blog we’d never visited before. I happened across this cute gal. She has seven kids under 9 who she home schools. They could be just like the Duggers if she had 40 jillion more kids!!! I’m in awe of anyone who can home school her kids all the while doing it in
So go visit her today!
xoxo Nancy
Saturday, August 15, 2009
A Perfect Sheltie
I’ve had a virus this past week…a horrible crippling computer virus and my poor little laptop was out of commission until today. Since I’m not doing Pink Saturday today I’ll show you MORE pictures of Lillie Louise! She had her first vet visit today and the vet says she’s PERFECT in every way! Perfect labs, perfect tone, perfect weight, perfect teeth, perfect nails and on and on! LOL (Like I needed to pay a vet to tell me she was perfect) Anyway – it’s a great office and I thought I’d show it to you. So here we go….
Buckle up, Lillie.
It’s about a two minute drive so none of that pesky car sickness so here we are. Some good advice on the marquee.
As we walked up to the door….
Lilllie thought she was looking in the mirror
but it turns out she met a new friend…Jasmine.
Lil and Jas exchanged phone numbers and are planning a get together! She’s so excited because she misses her Sheltie family and has had no one to play with.
Isn’t this a fabulous vet place? It’s decorated beautifully with antiques and darling pictures and no funky smells, either!
So we’re back home now with a well dog and a well computer.
Lillie and I hope you are having a five star day like we are!
xoxo Nancy
Sunday, August 9, 2009
mosaic monday
I love making mosaics and yet have never joined in on Mosaic Monday hosted by Mary at The Little Red House. Today I thought I’d share a collage of my pictures from the Austin Pond Tour from a couple of years ago.
These yards were so cool and inviting looking but it was sooo hot that day I haven’t done the tour again. Next year…yes, next year for sure we’re bound to have some cooler temperatures brought to us by the rain that so far has evaded us. I hope wherever you are you’re having delightful weather today.
xoxo Nancy
Friday, August 7, 2009
Pink Saturday - Worry Free
I wanted to show you a picture of Lillie Louise in her Pink party hat for Pink Saturday.
but she wasn’t quite on board with the whole idea!

So instead I’ll show you a bit of my journal from my lettering class I took with Cindy at Paper Cowgirl.
It says…
”that birds of worry fly over your head you cannot change but that they build nests in your hair you can prevent”. Using an old book I chose shades of pinks mixed with blues and dry brushed the book pages. The clear alphabet you see is the neatest little trick Cindy taught us. It’s just a photocopy taped to packing tape soaked in water and magically the image stays and the paper rubs off. We drew the nest in Madam’s hair and stamped the little bird there. (She did not heed the warning!)
The next page is a wonderful truism…”we are shaped and fashioned by what we love”
This fabulous looking nest is a cutout from a napkin adhered to the page with Golden’s medium paste. So, today I got the book out and embellished it a bit more and worked on the opposite pages.
I think I’ll use this journal to write favorite quotes and poems. Starting with:
What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance. ~Jane Austen
After visiting Beverly at How Sweet the Sound and all the bloggers joining in today….stop by Cindy’s Yapping Cat Studio to congratulate her. Some of her creations have just been published in Better Homes and Gardens Holiday Crafts that just came out yesterday. Way to go Cindy!
Take Cindy’s advice and have a worry free day! xoxo Nancy
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Happy Friends Day
Friendship Day celebrations take place on the first Sunday of August every year. The tradition of dedicating a day in honor of friends began in the US in 1935. Gradually the festival gained popularity and today Friendship Day is celebrated in a large number of countries. On this day people spend time with their friends and express love for them.
Happy Friends Day to Barbara, Patty, Judy and LaVerne. I love this picture from LaVerne’s Thursday night party for her son and new dil. We’re all helping clean up. Even washing dishes can be fun when done with friends.
Mike and Jeff…enjoying being friends!
Friends….a bright spot in my life.
And you, my blog friends, add a sweetness to my life!
Happy Friendship Day
xoxo Nancy…
who loves being your friend!
Pink Saturday
Oops – it’s Pink Saturday and here it is past midnight and I just remembered. So I grabbed a picture of a piece of furniture going in the shop this week. Wouldn’t it be cute for a nursery or a little girl’s room or even a big girls room???
I dressed it up a little with this little crepe paper cupcake I bought at Paper Cowgirl. I just love it and nothing dresses up a little pink shelf better than a little more pink!!! Have a wonderful day and be sure and visit Beverly at How Sweet the Sound to visit all the blogs going pink today.
xoxo Nancy