Yea....Relay for Life was an "uplifting experience"....especially for our team "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"! We all decorated our bras and uh... somehow I missed the message that we were supposed to WEAR them! I thought they were to decorate the tent but of course that was no excuse so I just pinned my 32 C on. My theme was "Hollywood or BUST" but looking at the pictures a more apt name would be "One Hung Low"!

Here's a runaway favorite..."Hook EM" by Longhorn Barb!
LaVerne showed up in a Party Bra!

How about the "Bountiful Harvest". Superintendent of Pf Schools bought this for his wife ...a "learning experience" for her I guess. LOL

Here's our fearless team leader Candy - I don't know her theme other than it was "FELT!!!" The other was something like "Spring is Busting out all over"! Cute not only in the front but in

the back, also.

A last minute Easter bra on the left and a whole lotta work bra on the right!

Anyone remember "Young Frankenstein"? Speaks for itself right?

Hey! Lily copycatted my bra.

And here's what it's all for. More people like this. Survivors!

"Survivors Ready" as Jeff Probst would say.
A lap around and around the gym. (We were moved indoors for the event due to some desperately need rain.)

Helloooo - the survivor and the caregiver!

And lastly the Three Amigos/ bloggers/Nancy(OneHungLow),Barbara, LaVerne/MyCraftyLittlePage/RioStarRanch/RiversideStudios!

The bras were such a hit we were invited on stage to auction them off so we made even more $$$ for our team. Overall the GJWTHF team raised $3000 and our Event raised $150,000.
WooHoo Pflugerville...
Way to go!!!