Friday, November 13, 2009

Pink Saturday

Well…I’m running out of time and material for Pink Saturday so I thought I’d share some  pictures we took of my Grandson leaving for his Homecoming Dance!  A couple of pink frames qualify, right?

He’s not too old to kiss his Nan!  (I used to be Nanny but now I’m Nan)


Or his Granddad!


He was getting ready to meet his date so we took pictures before he left.   Isn’t he adorable? I mean, uh, cool.  LOL

brandon collage

We just love this guy to pieces but what I can’t figure out is how he got to be fourteen in such a short time????

Thanks for indulging me and my family pictures.  Now if you want to see some more pictures from the rest of our pink family go visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound.    xoxo Nancy


  1. Happy PS! awww how sweet is your grandson! Hope he had a great time during the homecoming dance!

  2. He IS adorable. And he looks really tall for 14. I love that he came to visit his grandparents before the dance. Does he go to RRSH? Looks like dragon colors to me! Kathy

  3. Nancy,
    He looks like a real charmer, no wonder you love him so much. Such a nice looking guy, I bet he steals allot of hearts amongst the girls too.

  4. He's going to be a heartbreaker! It's wonderful to see what a great relationship you have with him. Enjoy the weekend and have a great Pink Saturday.

  5. They grow up so quickly. He is definitely a cutie.

    Happy Pink Saturday! Stop by my blog to sign up for the gift certificate giveaway!

  6. Awwwwwwwwww tis the best time of his life and I delight in the relationship you three have! Hugs, Mollye

  7. My grandsons still give me a kiss too and a big hug for the grandpa. It's some of the most special moments in the world. He is just adoreable and really handsome too. Hugs, Marty

  8. I never tire of looking at pictures of the boys...such a fine looking family. I still have pictures of him as a toddler down at the river just a couple of summers ago! Now you're claiming he's in high school!!! Where do the years go? Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy this beautiful weather.

  9. What a sweet, good looking, grandson you have! I love that he can shower you with kisses... some kids are too cool for that. Blessings!

  10. What a handsome young man!! 14 - I can't imaginge my baby boy being 14 - yikes, he is already half way there.

    I hope you are well, and did you see we are partners for the VE swap!! Hurray!! :o)

    Talk to you soon!!!

  11. Awww~ I love teenage boys who aren't too cool to kiss their grand parents. Happy Pink Saturday!

  12. Happy Pink Saturday, Nancy! Your grandson is a darling! He's going to be a heart crusher!

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos!

    Have a lovely weekend!


  13. You're SO lucky to be so YOUNG and have a 14 yr old grandson! I know you've been able to really enjoy him to pieces as he grew up! He's a handsome dude and you two grandparents are adorable! By the time my little grand boy gets to be 14 I'll probably be in a nursing home! :) Well, I was kidding, of course. . . but there is a lot to be said for being young when your kids and grandkiddos are!

    What a great PINK share. . . I loved it!

    Now, I think I will go paint my walking cane PINK for next Saturday! :) OK, I'm kidding again! But it's a great idea for down the road, don't ya think?
    L, Dana
