Saturday, November 21, 2009


Last night was girls’ night out at my house.  Yea for Bunco!  There’s a picture of my girlfriends arriving! LOL


There couldn’t be a message this cute without a few pink touches…see the pink bubbles.


Table one has a salmon-y pink but it’s still PINK so that counts for Pink Saturday. Right???


We have dinner, play nine rounds stop for dessert and play nine more.  See my Holy candle….


It has a little pink also!


As does this little old honeycomb turkey.  My bunco friends are so much fun…..just like my…..


Pink Saturday friends.  And if I don’t see you all before Thanksgiving may you have a wonderful and bountiful Thanksgiving.


I’m go grateful to Beverly who hosts Pink Saturday for us each week.  It takes a lot of time and effort on her part so stop by to thank her and thank you to all the folks who stop by my blog.  I appreciate each and every one of you.

Blessings,   Nancy Tags: ,,


  1. Nancy, I just love Bunco! It's such a fun game.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. Happy Pinks, Nancy! Your Bunco night looks like so much fun with lots of goodies!

    Wishing you and those you love a very warm, safe, and happy Thanksgiving!


  3. Nancy, salmon pink is pink in my book. It sounds as though everyone had a great time. It looks like a wonderful evening. Enjoy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful holiday.

  4. Happy Pink Saturday, Nancy!

    I know you gals must "raise the roof" of whatever home you gather in for Bunco! Love your decorations...especially the "Our Lady of Abundant Choc." candle! OMG...that's a hoot! I also admire your vintage honeycomb turkey! I must keep my eye out for one!

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful Thanksgiving. It sounds like it will be! We will be with our son and his family, our girl, and our DIL's sisters who are coming up from the San Antonio area!!! :)

    Yes, Nancy, it's hard to believe we've "known" eachother for two falls now!!! I can tell you, I am so thankful to have found you. You have lifted my spirits so many times with your comments and your posts!

    Take care! L, Dana

  5. Well I wish I had been there for dessert!
    Happy PINK Saturday!!

  6. Nancy, how fun! Everything looks lovely. I like that turkey. Happy Pink Saturday!
