“How beautiful a day can be, when kindness touches it!”
― George Elliston
Linda - you are the sweetest. On what was not my best day last week, in walks Jeff with this adorable little guy all decked out in patriotic finery and a box of See's candy and a card. It made me smile and teary at the same time! On opening the card I recognized the writing immediately as that of my talented artist friend, Linda. Recently, I was so touched when I saw what Linda had sent to Elizabeth of Creative Breathing and now here I was on the receiving end of Linda's kindness. I can't even describe how touched I was by her words and her adorable art
Linda and I were paired as partners for Elizabeth’s Vintage Supply Swap a few months and it has been such a pleasure getting to know her.
She lives in an orchard. That’s right and in my mind that’s equal to Pooh’s idyllic little corner of the Hundred Acre Woods.
She included a box of See’s candies which is the California equivalent to Austin’s Lammes Candies. Both are made from that well known healing ingredient – Chocolate!

It warms my heart to have this little vignette brightening up my room.
It warms my heart that she thought of me. It warms my heart that there are people like Linda in the world who have a knack for spreading joy.
If you want some artistic inspiration just take a look at Linda’s blog Lutka and Company. You will be amazed at how multitalented she is.
Thank you, Linda. I’m so very glad that I’m lucky enough to call you a friend!