Friday, February 24, 2012

Three Sheets To The Wind

Not me – my new sheets on the clothesline!  I’m trying to be proactive this week and get my Pink Saturday post ready earlier than usual.  I bought the prettiest embroidered linen set on Ebay that just happened to have the prettiest pink flowers and our initial!  Lucky for me they had the R or there would have been some competition.


I got 4 of these monogrammed shams plus one small pillow sham.  Last year we bought an electropedic bed – most comfortable bed I’ve ever had.  It’s a split king (like two twins) with temperpedic mattresses and you can raise and lower the head and foot of the bed and it has a massage feature.  It’s just fabulous for watching television.  The only problem is…I need two twin fitted sheets and a king flat sheet.  Rather than pay $250 for a set made specifically for this bed – I’ve been on a quest buying separates and guess what?  Almost all sheets are sold in sets now.  So I found the fitted white sheets at WalMart sold individually.


And this “set” on ebay which consisted of the 5 shams, one king size flat sheet, and a top sheet/coverlet.  And I got them for…get this $24! I don’t think they were ever used either.  This is with the coverlet….


and this is with the flat sheet


They look wonderful with these Rachel Ashwell shams.


I’m joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday along with some really interesting blogs who don’t air their dirty laundry! So be sure and stop by.

Sweet Dreams…Nancy

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cherries for RedNesday

Why don’t I join in with the Sue at It’s A Very Cherry World for Rednesday more often? I know she’ll love these shams that I put on Ebay recently.  They’re cherries and they’re red so what’s not to like?


They didn’t sell so I’ll be taking them to our booth at The Round Top Antiques Fair next month and if they don’t sell there I’ll just have to keep them!  Actually, I’d really like to keep them but I have sooo many linens I promised my husband that I’d try.


They’ll be wonderful for next summer to change up the bed.  xoxo Nancy

Thursday, February 16, 2012

By The Sea

Working on my friend Kay’s journal has been such a fun experience.  This is the first book I’ve worked in for our Circle Journal group of 10 people.  This is a teeny part of the two page layout in my studio…aka my bed.


I don’t know if we’re showing pictures of the whole layout or not so I’ll show you what I did for her sign in page.


Basically this page was done up beautifully already so I decided to just work on a “tag”.  Working big is a lot easier so this is my quote that I lettered using markers and colored pencils.


Then I scanned it into the computer, reduced it and gave it a little digital distressing.


Then I sketched and colored the little flower and the sun and did some hand distressing.  The postcard was already on the page with the pink crepe ruffle so I just added a transparency and that’s it.


To see more of Kay’s Journal visit her at  Kay Ellen Designs.  Kay’s work is featured in Romantic Homes this month and also Apronology.


Also, be sure to visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday.  Have a wonderful weekend.

xoxo Nancy

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pink Saturday Valentiney Greetings!

Guess what??? After 7 years my attic guestroom is finally, finally painted.  I’m beyond grateful to my husband because it was hard to paint.


There’s not one square corner in here – take it back…there is one but it’s not square!  I’m taking pictures into the light so they’re sort of glowy.


I’ve been putting the room back together today and first things up were my banner from the very first Paper Cowgirl and then:


My YaYa picture.


That’s me in the middle…when I was skinny! Aren’t we fabulous???  haha This was a card from the girls when I had a hysterectomy about 9 years ago and I finally took the poster and made it into a hanging so it can always be out.  (LaVerne….always posing!)


so back to the room  -  Maxine in her bunny slippers. DSCN0187

Oh I love this loveseat but I had it upholstered 20 years ago and I can’t stand the fabric now so I’ve rigged a “slipcover”.  I really want a white cotton duck slipcover which costs more than a new loveseat but this has a down cushion and I can’t bear to let it go!


This chair was Kathy’s who gave it to Barbara who passed it on to me.  It’s bulky and heavy but I can’t part with it either.


The back of the door.


I love my collection of Madonnas.  In fact, looking at these pictures almost everything in here is sentimental to me.


A shelf of Christmas pictures.  That’s my little Q grandson who is 13 now!


And my Brandon grandson – 16!  Those are his little white suede shoes and bowtie from his uncles wedding.




And since it’s Pink Saturday my Pink Cuckoo clock!


My husband made this table for me in the ‘80s – it’s a heart.  He made it from scratch and painted the vines.  I’m attached!


I was only going to have the twin beds out but I pulled out the trundle because the YaYas are coming!!! I could pull out one more bed but Barbara sleeps on the couch downstairs with the ceiling fan.  So it’s Judy, LaVerne and Patty up here.  The fan is for Judy, Patty needs a heating pad because she freezes and LaVerne just passes out in her signature “corpse” position! DSCN0210

Everyone gets a snuggly.


I’m washing the quilt for the third bed.  I think this is looking sort of beach cottagey.


These are a plate of my itty bitty books….


So… Happy Valentine’s Day from me and my faithful dog Iris who was behind my every step today while her sister Lilly Louise played outside!


Thanks to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for getting us all together for this Valentine Party.

xoxo Nancy

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Round and Round

and round – that’s how my “Circle Journal” will go this year.  Actually I have two  for 2012– one with my yaya girlfriends and one with my blog girlfriends.  One is a “Blue Book”  - we each chose a song with blue in the title – mine is “Blue Moon”.  Have you ever counted how many songs have blue in the title? There’s tons.  Last month we met at LaVerne’s house and this month I’m having a Valentine party to work in them.  Even for a Book of Blue you need  pink in an invitation for a holiday steeped in pink and by the way if you were here you’d be invited, too! 


 And for my other journal I chose to have a book of poems or quotes. We could choose whatever theme and color we wanted so true to you my Pink Saturday friends I had to have a pink cover!  And for some reason this year I became fascinated with several new things. Owls for one and Zentangling!  So I zentangled my way through my book of Wise Words with a wise old owl.   I forgot to take a picture of my finished book before I sent it on its way but here it is almost done and not bound.


I love this little owl guy. This is before I got my new set of pens…


and these are my pages  after my pens arrived.  I love the idea of forming an image by just breaking it down into shapes and patterns…does that even make any sense.  (Again this is before I finished this.)


Honestly, I could just Zentangle all day! (Part of another page.)


And then zentangle some more!  My “Blue Moon” cover…I hung the moon by a zentangle … sounds like a song in itself!


Here’s a book I bought from Amazon in case you, too, become “zenchanted”!


For now I need to zentangle my way out of this post as I have an early morning date with an estate sale.  

Thanks to Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for getting this little soirée going each week.  Do stop by to see her

for some pink inspiration!  xoxo Nancy