Tuesday, September 6, 2011

WWYT What Would You Take?

First of all – everyone needs to pray for rain for Texas, please…. or send some positive rain vibes or whatever you do.   There are fires burning everywhere here. 


Backing up to Sunday when we came home from church this is what we saw.  


Fire trucks everywhere, command center in the middle of the street and the land across the street from us on fire!  At first as we drove through the barricade we thought it was our house and I knew the only really important thing was to get the girls, Lillie and Iris, out.  This foam they kept spraying after the fire was out.


But it wasn't our house and the wind, which was about 4o mph  was blowing away from our house as the temperature climbed to 105. It went on to spread to 20 more acres and was then contained.  And that quickly became one of the lesser fires.  All day long sirens blared as fires started popping up everywhere.   I know this picture looks like my house is a hovel and sometimes it is – haha – but there was a time when it was green and blooming.  Because of the hottest summer ever recorded and the most severe drought in half a century our yard and plants are gone.  We just couldn't seem to water enough and then came the time when doing so was a waste.


Then I saw this where it shows the first fire started on our side lot –

tx forest service-1

nope it was across the street so the EndofDays-er blogger who put my address as ground zero for fires of hell or whatever should meet the rest of the endofdaysers across the street. Laughing….sort of.

Anyway – with all that done and sitting all cozy in my hovel I decided to pack a few things to grab and go. With the dogs in the car…some of the things on my list (actually in a laundry basket) – computer…it has tons of my family pictures and lots of info we'd need for insurance, etc.and easier to take than that stuff, birth certificate and ss cards, some jewelry – only gold or silver unless it's sentimental, and some prescriptions that cost more than gold and silver.  Then for me a few clean clothes, and the programs and wrapped gifts I did for my niece's wedding even though I was scoffed at for wanting to put them in the car just in case!!! 

And even though the wedding is at a resort


a few miles from  the worst fire in Texas   –


Bastrop County – it will go forth somewhere because I'm happy to say it's more about the marriage than the wedding!

Many people have lost their homes – over 600 – and the worst fires are still zero containment.  So, here it is my favorite day of the year – this beautiful September day when the first cool front has arrived  these fires are still raging.


I'm keeping all those displaced people and the firemen in my prayers.

(pictures from Facebook)


Now… what 5 things would you take if you only had 10 minutes?  

xoxo Nancy

PS – I forgot…phones and chargers for all the electronic crap!  My basket just got heavier!

PSS I'm joining Sue @ It's A Very Cherry World today for Rednesday after realizing I have a big red firetruck to show!


  1. I came home today from Hutto, TX and I watched from the Interstate yesterday all the billowing smoke. It is very disturbing, but, you are smart to get it together and have a plan. So many will not heed warnings and try to stay till the last moment and grab things that are unnecessary. I live in Tyler and we too are watching fires tonight. God be with us all and I will being praying for you and yours!

  2. praying for rain in Texas...
    go to the weather map and look @ Central PA...I would gladly send you all the stuff that's been falling for the past 4 days and predicted to continue for the rest of the week...we're flooding over here :(

  3. I have been praying for a break in the heat. Now I am praying for the fires to stop& for the families that have been affected.

  4. I am a fellow Texan living not too far from these fires. They are now saying we may not get rain until November. We are already on water restrictions. I am not sure what is going to happen if we do not get some moisture soon. At least, we have been below 100 the last two days.

  5. How terrible for all of those folks losing their homes. . . I am so glad your's was spared...but it was way tooooo close!! OMG, I guess you nearly fainted when you came down the street and saw the fire trucks and the fire!

    You are smart to pull your "grab and run" stuff together. I do that --especially during our tornado season. I have a basket in the office where I put extra checks, important papers, my purse, etc. just so I can grab it and run to the hidey hole in the basement...or out the front door if we need to leave for some other reason. I hadn't thought about my computer, but I will add that to my list. I also have water and a bit of nonperishable food in the shelter, plus tennis shoes, blankets and a land line that doesn't have to be charged. Yes, I did bring my cell charger, too.

    We had several downpours on Sat., then the temps went way down....and have remained there. They will warm a bit over the week, but not back to the 100 mark.

    I know the wedding will go on...because, as you so smartly said, it's about the marriage and not the wedding!

    Hang in there....this surely will be over soon.

    L, Dana

  6. Nancy, This is truly frightening.It is impossible for me to imagine a wall of fire. Prayers to all! Elizabeth

  7. I am a fellow Texan and it is so sad to see the ruin these fires have caused. I am only a few blocks from Galveston Bay (inland) and the fires are not a danger here for now. The drought is causing a lot of cracked slabs..Praying for rain....Hope you stay safe...

  8. Wow ... I am visiting you from Rednesday. It's hard to imagine such a dry, hot fiery situation.

    I sure wish I could send all this east coast RAIN to quench some of the thirst in Texas.

    But my best wishes and hopeful prayers will have to do.

  9. I live southeast from the Tri-County fires in Magnolia we are about 15 miles away I am glad you are safe. I packed up all my photos and talked with my hubby last night on what we would grab, for us it is the cat, clothes, paperwork, computers and CPAP machines. My charger, camera, kindle are with my photos ready to go if need be. I was hoping Hurricane Nate would come our way but no chance Praying for rain.
