What would I do without these round shelves? I just don’t seem to have the places to put things anymore! That’s my little grandson dressed up as Buzz Lightyear for Halloween….Halloween 1997! Still one of my favorite pictures of him.

That Pumpkin Man I had forgotten about. He probably wondered if he was on the purge list and now he’s got that scaredy cat grin on his face thinking he dodged the bullet!

I love this guy – so he’s safe while I’m around. Now see the dust on that Mary Englebreit chair? I thought I cleaned it so it’s a good thing I’m blogging to catch myself on these oversights – haha.

Remember this piece? I bought this at an auction dirt cheap because the glass doors on each end were broken. It’s narrow so it works for me in this room. How about the Dave Ramsey book on one end and the ledger books on the opposite end? I should have had that book about 50 years ago because those ledger books don’t contain financial plans or budget…I’ve turned them into picture albums of my grandkids!

Great way to save all those years and years of school pictures and prom pictures of the kids and grandkids.

I love this tiny little painting but with the orange color it doesn’t go with anything in my house except in the fall.

So I just keep it with that stuff and bring it out once a year!

Same thing with the Jim Shore cat! I picked him up for nothing at a Goodwill and he comes out once a year. I think a lot of people must get Jim Shore things who have no idea of the value or just don’t like his work because they seem to be easy to find!

The ME teapot and cups stay out most of the year. Black and white dots or checks??? They go with everything. That’s it for my tour de halloween today! I hope to stop by and see what everyone else has been doing.
xoxo and yours truly, I Once Was Lost But Now I’m Found Nancy!
Joining Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday !