My Thanksgiving is a blur. Really – every picture I took was blurry!
My grandsons…abide! They’re showing me “gang” poses to send to Aunt Buckeye Jude! How that got started I have no idea.

Why do they rush to get out of my pictures? Does that happen to you guys? They act like I’m the Paparazzi!

My only non burry picture – the turkey. This one is not going anywhere… isn’t it a beauty? It’s cousin Turkey Two was outside being boiled in oil so everyone would have leftovers for Friday! Thank you, Jeffy for thinking of that!

My son, Jeff fried the turkey and it was the best turkey we’ve ever ever had. Everyone was busy in the kitchen with their respective jobs.

We all squeezed around the table and my little grandson Q said grace and I was completely overwhelmed with gratitude that we were able to be together. Do you ever have those moments you wish could last forever?.
And meanwhile under the table were Lillie and Iris. No one cares at our house…it just adds!

After dinner it was time for football and naps. Here are my two little turkeys once again trying to avoid the camera.

I hope your day was full of blessings…as mine was. Are you shopping or decorating this weekend? Not me. We plan to do a little bit of decorating at Oodles and the rest is open. My shopping is pretty much an online trip!
Thanks to Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday. xoxo Nancy