Saturday, March 19, 2011

Super Moon Alert

I see the moon – the moon sees me – God bless the moon…God bless me. 

Did you learn that as a child? Did you teach it to your kids?  Did you play "moon" games as a kid?  Has the moon become "underappreciated"?!  Well here's your chance to go outside and pay tribute to the moon.


Tonight will be the biggest moon in 2011 and for some the biggest moon since….well if you want the technical details you can go here and read all about it.  I'm hoping for a Pink sky with my moon watching tonight!


it will be a good time to be "counting our blessings". Like our Pink Saturday  friends!


This has been a public service announcement…(do they even have those anymore?)…and my contribution for Pink Saturday for which I'm late and I'm number six thousand five hundred and forty seven on the linky list!!!  Let's hear some moon stuff from you guys because…

It's A Marvelous Night For A Moondance when you're looking at the "Blue Moon"  xoxo Nancy…Goodnight Moon!


  1. Oh, my Gosh...complete with Blue Moon. That is adorable!

  2. Well, your PS post was WORTH THE WAIT!! ;)

    We have RAIN coming we probably won't see the Perigee Moon tonight. I'm so proud that I learned about that term from Pat of Mille Fiori Favoriti--- and even more info about the event from YOU! Gees...I feel so brainy!

    Glass blowing, huh? I guess I zipped right over that info....I'll go back and check it out in detail! Your interests are far and reaching! That's one of the reasons I love you so!! Oh, and you,er talented and funny.

    Spent the day at a little nearby town known for antique shops......they were hosting their Spring Open House. It was fun....but the rain is miserably cold, so it was kinda hard to feel all Springy. However, I managed to spend a little money at each store, so I made a few gals happy!

    Gotta gear up for a 3 year old's birthday party...that means I need to take a nap! :)

    Have a great did good on your post!

    L, Dana

  3. Oh goodness, Nancy. You made me laugh aloud. I just hate that you are link number 6,547. And, then I got another big chuckle from brainy Dana in her comment above.

    Thanks for the info. I will be watching.

    Happy Pink Saturday.♥

  4. Think I'm going to lite a fire in my fire pit and just watch the moon tonight!!!

  5. My girls and I just stood in our sunroom gazing at the beautiful moon tonight. It's glorious.
